WK8 Midterm Research Project_Privacy, Security, Hacks, and Leaks

I’m the IT supervisor of a gourmet food retailer with three stores and an online e-commerce marketplace. My job is to make sure that no identify potential threats, organization’s vulnerabilities and help with on how to minimize digitally-induced disaster. To help with these cyber threats is to one try to figure out who’s is the enemy that you’re dealing with. which can be a number of people but still can be narrow down in the business world like for example it could be the computation of the corporation. Then it might be the local scammer and or scammers inguinal. They might also be an organized crime group need to watch out for those. also need to watch out for hackers that are try to steal the money that   the corporation makes. another example might be the employees in the corporation that are aware or not by accident. Other thing that I do is to know the corporation that I work for so I make sure that incase the enemy is a spy in the corporation or try to get in is to make sure there’s spyware in the building. Then make sure that the corporation has a strong firewall system in the website that we use. Then I go and make some rules/ regulations for the computer safety in the corporation. I also have the corporation go through a two-week password change to make sure no one is getting hacked. with hacking I also check on our customers data to make sure that the data is not getting stole and be used by anyone else that it not intended for. Then go and do random check to make sure that the employees are following the rules and if it turns out they were not following them they would get punished for that. Which might led to them to get relocated to a different section of the build or the possibility of getting fired from there job. With that I go and develop a strategy that may help with the computer safety. One of the progress is to make a trap for the employees to see if they are a spy that are try to steal the information from the corporation to sell to the compulsion or for their personal game or by accidie because they didn’t know any better. Then try to train the employees on how to tell the email they got is a scam or not and how to deal with it. Also make sure that the corporation is up to data with current theists and possible try to keep the technology up to date if necessary, to make sure that the corporation is well protected from these theists. I also go and limit the access of the internet with the employee’s computers just to make sure no cyber theists get in that way and limit possible of virus theists as well. Then once in a while I go a test their knowledge to see that they are keeping up on the regulations and to see that they are also loyalty to the corporation that they work for and not being a trader to it by not following them.

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