Where can you turn for help?

Technology changes very rapidly, how current is the information you found?

1) The information I found for this is pretty up to date since the last update was made on March 13, 2023.

2) This information I found is not very current since it was released on November 27, 2019.

3) This information is pretty current because it has a copyright date of 2023.


Who is posting the information? Are they an authority on the matter? How can you tell?

1) This information was posted by Melody Nieves and yes she is an authority on the matter. I can tell because she is a digital artist and her name is at the top as the author.

2) This video was posted by a youtube channel called “Envato.” I know they are an authority on the matter because it is uploaded in their youtube channel with proper edits and they also have links to multiple other tutorials made by them.

3) This information was posted by Melyssa Griffin and yes she has authority on the matter. I know this because at the top of the website it says it is posted by her and there is multiple information about herself in the website.

What types of gatekeeping mechanisms are in place for the source you found? (i.e., is there an editor or are posts up/downvoted democratically?)

1) This website is updated/edited willingly by the author, Melody Nieves. There is no place to up/downvote democratically.

2) This youtube video has a place for people to comment their opinion and a like/dislike button to show the owner if the information is useful or not.

3) This website doesn’t have options for people to comment or like/dislike. It is completely edited by the owner, Melyssa Griffin.

Discuss the quality of the information. Is it well written, clear, and easy to follow?

1) This website is neatly designed and the pictures make it easier to understand what the final product is going to be like. The font and bold letters make it easy to understand and follow.

2) This video has timestamps for each part of the video I would like to learn which makes it much easier to understand and follow. The video is high quality and has great edits in between to keep us captivated.

3) The overall vibe of this website is neat and very friendly. The information she has is really simple and easy to follow. Everything about this website is simple and clean which makes it visually appealing and makes you want to keep reading it.

Finally, is this a resource you might use in the future, and if so, why?

-I might use all this resources in the future for my photography class if I need help with editing photos since all this information is about editing in photoshop.