1. Today, do more people access the web using computers or mobile devices? Provide a resource that supports your answer.
Nowadays more people are using mobile devices to access the web. Almost over 55%
Of website traffic comes from mobile devices and about 92.3% of internet users access
Internet using a mobile phone.
2 . Who controls the World Wide Web? What is it made up of?
No one really controls the World Wide Web but there is a group made up of several hundred
Member organizations from different IT industries who work under the director of the World
Wide Web, Berners-Lee.
3. Who is Tim Berners Lee? What is he best known for?
Tim Berners Lee is the founder/inventor of the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web was founded by Tim Berners Lee in 1994 and he is now best known as the director/founder/inventor of the World Wide Web.
4. What is a blog? What is it used for?
Blog is basically a regularly updated website or web page, and it can either be used for personal use or to fulfill a business need. Back then, a blog used to be a personal web log/journal in which someone could share information/opinion but now it is a regularly updated website or web page.
5. What is a “responsive” website design?
Responsive web design, originally defined by Ethan Marcotte in A List Apart, responds to the needs of the users and the devices they’re using. The layout changes based on the size and capabilities of the device.
6. Why are “responsive” website designs necessary?
“Responsive” website designs are necessary because they help you solve a lot of problems for your website. For example, it will make your site more mobile friendly and it will improve the way it looks on small/large screens.
7. What is SEO, and why should website owners/managers be concerned with SEO?
SEO, also known as Search Engine Optimization, is the process used to optimize a website’s technical configuration, content relevance and link popularity so its pages can become easily findable. Website owners/managers should be concerned with SEO because this will make it competitive for everyone because most owners will use SEO to increase traffic to their website.
8. What is dynamic content?
Dynamic content refers to web content that changes based on the behavior, preferences, and interests of the user.
9. What is a content management system? You work with one, what is its name?
CMS platform takes care of all the technical details around building and managing a website. For example, HTML file is the CMS we use to structure our written content so that a web browser can read it.
10. What is a youtube channel? Who might want to start one?
A channel is a member’s personal presence on YouTube, similar to other social media sites.
Just like social media, people who would want to share information about themselves or other things might want to start a channel.