Online and remote courses can often be more challenging than traditional, face-to-face classes. Here you will find some quick tips on how to overcome some of those challenges and set yourself up for success as you navigate our digital learning environments. In addition to these tips for success, COTC has a number of resources available to help you out! Talk to your academic advisor or one of our success coaches about starting strong and staying on track. 

Whether you’re taking the course completely online or there is a scheduled virtual meeting time, treat the class like you are taking it in person. This means setting time aside to complete “in-class” homework and assignments, holding yourself accountable to studying and turning your work in on time, and communicating with your instructor and peers. Talk to one of our Student Success Coaches to plan out how!

Take time to consider where you study and where you attend your class (if you’re not in one of our classrooms!) Make sure you have a place that’s quiet, that gives you room to set up your notes, computer, and textbook, and where you know you won’t be disturbed. You will learn best in an environment that lets you be productive.

If you don’t have a space like that, use one of ours! For extended campuses, 

Most classes will give you a schedule of due dates for important projects, tests, and assignments for the semester. Check your syllabus or spend some time navigating through your Canvas course modules to find these and make a note of them. You can use a notebook, calendar, or planner to stay organized, or use one of the many free organization tools available.

Work with our academic advising team to set a schedule that works for you. Make sure you’re not overbooking yourself!

It’s easy to get overwhelmed. Remember to give yourself a break and take time to do something you enjoy, get a little rest, or decompress after a long day. Go to the Adena Recreation Center on the Newark campus to work off some steam or use our Wellbeats Program to choose a workout at home.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, or depressed, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Counseling Services to talk to someone. We’re here for you.

In a digital classroom, it can be hard to interact with your fellow students when you don’t see them, or when they’re a square on a screen. But establishing a study group has been found to be one of the best ways to learn outside of the classroom. Take advantage of any class discussion boards to engage with your peers, and don’t be afraid to send out an introduction. For help connecting with your peers or forming one of these study groups, contact one of our Student Success Coaches or ask your instructor for advice!
We’re here to help! Make use of our resources early to start strong or lean on us to help get you back on track. Whether it’s your academic success or your personal well-being, use the links in these tips to get connected with what you need to succeed at COTC.