Introduction to LockDown Browser
Student Quick Start Guides
New Quizzes
New Quizzes Student Instructions
Classic Quizzes
Classis Quizzes Student Instructions
Instructions for using/accessing Respondus on COTC-owned laptops:
Respondus Instruction for COTC Laptops
System Requirements for LockDown Browser
Operating Systems
Windows: 10 and 8. Details
Mac: MacOS 10.12 or higher.
iOS: 11.0+ (iPad only). Must have a compatible LMS integration. Details
Windows: 75 MB permanent space on the hard drive
Mac: 120 MB permanent space on the hard drive
Browser Requirements
LockDown Browser is a client application that is installed to a local computer. Both the Windows edition and the Mac edition of the browser are based on Chromium, Google’s open source framework. Students do NOT need Google’s Chrome browser installed; nor will this version affect a Chrome browser that’s already installed.
Known LockDown Browser Chromebook Issues
LockDown Browser’s Calculator and Spreadsheet features aren’t currently supported
The extended keyboard functions (for adding symbols and special characters) isn’t currently available
LockDown Browser’s “Help Center” is currently unavailable, and there is no Live Chat support for students taking exams that require Respondus Monitor.
“Allow access to specific external web domains” option is currently not supported
(Canvas) “Google Chrome OS can’t open this page” error will occur. Click the “close” button on the error, and you should be able to proceed.
(Canvas) Exam feedback for “classic” quizzes is not compatible yet, if viewed at a later time. Feedback is viewable if seen in the same LockDown Browser session that the exam was taken in.