1. What are the top three social media platforms of 22-23?
Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp are the top three social media platforms of 2023.
Biggest social media platforms 2023 | Statista
2. Provide a brief summary of how each social site works and why people use it.
Facebook- is used as a traditional social media, meaning that you can follow, or friend other people, create posts, comment, and many other things. You can use this to interact with friends and share together. Many people also use this platform for finding new friends. Many people have also used these platforms for finding love. It is a way to interact with people from all over the world.
YouTube- is a video watching service that you can watch any kind of content that is not explicit on. Anyone can post on YouTube. You can also make it into a profession though that is unlikely. It is a free streaming service essentially, but it does have ads. You can buy a subscription to have no ads, however. You can watch any type of content. Comedy, series, video games, and so much more.
WhatsApp- is an instant messaging service that can also place free international calls. Many people use this to communicate freely with people from all over the world. It is also fully encrypted which means that your data cannot be stolen. It is much harder for this app to be hacked than iMessage or Android messaging.
3. What are demographics and why is it important in social media?
Social media demographics refer to the varying audiences that regularly use social media platforms. It is the best way to target the audience of your choice by knowing which sites your audience is using. In social media it is important because you also want to know who you want to target your marketing towards. A lot of the time you will see Facebook marketing to 30 and older where TikTok markets to a younger audience. This is what demographics are used for.
4. What demographics stand out to me?
That people have an average of 7.1 social media accounts. This is one demographic that shows how much of our lives are taken over by social media and technology. This just shows me how dependent we have become on social media for everything. We are becoming a society that solely socializes through social media instead of actual human interaction. It makes me wonder how long until we no longer have a need for any human interaction.
Top Social Media Statistics And Trends Of 2023 – Forbes Advisor
5. On average how much time do users spend on social media daily, weekly, and monthly?
Daily- 151 minutes or 2.5 hours
Global daily social media usage 2023 | Statista
If we use this daily average, we can assume that weekly people spend 1,057 minutes or 17.6 hours on social media and in a 30-day month that the average person spends 4,530 minutes or 75.5 hours on social media.
6. Which social media site is growing the fastest? Why?
TikTok is the fastest growing social media with a 100% growth in 2 years and continuing to grow. I think this is due to it being an app that you can spend hours on and not realize that you have because the videos are so short. I know this because I have spent hours just watching TikTok after TikTok. Everyone I know uses TikTok and more and more people join every day. I also think that this has to do with the concept of the for you page and that makes it possible for the content to be directly targeted for the viewer. Making it even more impossible to pull away because it is all things that you want to watch.
Fastest Growing Social Media Networks 2022-23 | Target Internet
7. How are the majority of these sites being accessed? PC, Tablet. Mobile Devices?
99% of social media users access social media through their mobile devices that includes mobile phone and tablet.
78% use exclusively their mobile phones.
1.32% exclusively use their desktops.
20% use both mobile phone and desktops.
How Many People Use Social Media in 2023? (65+ Statistics) (backlinko.com)