YouTube is a video watching and posting app it is really marketed to anyone. When I say that this app is marketed towards anyone, I mean it. YouTube uses an algorithm to suggest videos for you it takes what you have watched in the past and suggests content to you that thinks is similar to what you watch so that you do not have to search through the app if you do not want to. I use this app every day for content watching and the algorithm works for me. Not everyone’s algorithm works for them but that is ok. You can watch pretty much anything on YouTube that is not explicit. They also have options that parents can put on their children’s accounts that only allows the children to watch things targeted and okay for children to watch. The way that the publishers of this app generate revenue is through monetization. This is where ads can play on their content, and they get a cut of the profits from that ad. They can also make subscriptions paid so they gain revenue from that as well. My number one trick for getting the most out of this app would be to utilize filters in your searches. If you hate ads get YouTube premium
How YouTube Works – Product Features, Responsibility, & Impact
Twitch is a live streaming service that is made for live streaming and content creating. This app is targeted mainly to 18- 25-year-old gamers this app is catered to watching people play games, but you can really live steam anything except for explicit content. Publishers on this app have many ways of generating revenue. They can get donations from viewers, have paid subscriptions, and if they join the partnership program, they make some money as well. My tip for this app is to not subscribe if you don’t have to. Watch for free if you can. Twitch is very similar to YouTube, but it is mostly streaming rather than prerecorded videos. There is also no for kid’s exclusively content like on YouTube and Twitch allows more swearing and nudity.
How to use Twitch: All the basics, tips, tricks and advice you need (