What’s Next-Future Tech

3D printing-

This is a printing method using an additive strategy. Materials are built up in layers to create an object from a download made using 3D software. This creates less waste than using a subtractive strategy. Once using the 3D software there is a slicing software needed to bring it to the printer.

A large part of the 3D printing is done for industrial purposes. As this technology is advancing from just being able to create prototypes it is becoming more heavily integrated into our lives. Some examples would be eyewear, prosthetics, movie props, and more.

Though the technology had selected interest since the early 1980’s but it wasn’t until 1986 that Charles Hull patented the first 3D printer.

The 3D printer today has the potential of offer its users quicker products. The waste of excess material is also a perk when using the 3D printer versus using the subtractive method we have often used to create products. These benefits could in some circumstances create a financial benefit as well.

Some drawbacks of 3D printing, as the technology is still relatively new, could be the versatility of materials and not having a limit selection of usable materials. This technology can also be expensive. An alarming part of this technology is, as it becomes more readily available, whose to say what people could potentially build with them. The possibility of weapons being built with such technology could be highly problematic.

The widespread adoption of 3D printing int the medical care field is quite interesting. 3D printing offers the possibility of cheaper products like prosthetics. The continued research could allow for replication of blood vessels, tissues and cells. This could go on to help injuries or illnesses that otherwise could seem impossible. If 3D printing research continues, who knows, maybe there would be options for people who need transplants.



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