1. What were the top three social media sites, in terms of traffic, in 22-23? List them in order of popularity.
The top 3 websites and social medias used in 2022-2023 was Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp. Facebook had a popularity of 3.03 billion MAUs. which was the highest for 22-23, YouTube was used by 2.5 billion users, While WhatsApp was used 2 billion times by users. Which was a 0.5 Decrease from first to second to third give or take a few.
2. Provide a brief summary of how each social media site works and why people use it.
Facebook- Used to share photos or messages with family and friends.
YouTube- Used by people who want to post about their lives in any way possible from video games, to Vlogs, to eating on a camera people use YouTube for everything.
WhatsApp- It lets users of iPhone and Android smartphones and Mac and Windows PC call and exchange text, photo, audio and video messages with others across the globe for free, regardless of the recipient’s device.
3. What are “demographics” and why is it important in social media?
Demographic data is information on the size, growth or distribution of the population. Perhaps surprisingly, demographic data can tell you more about your community than its size and whether it is growing or declining.
4. Explain any demographics that stand out among the three social media sites you listed above.
American women are far more likely to use social media than their male counterparts. 78% of women said they use it compared to just 66% of men. Those between the ages of 19 and 29 are the most active on social media (84% have an account). They’re followed closely by users aged 30-49 (81%), 50-64 (73%), and 65+ (45%)
5. On average, how much time do users spend on each social media site during a day, week or month? Provide a resource that supports your answer.
According to the latest data, as of 2022, the average amount of time spent on social media worldwide is 151 minutes per day. Which is 2.52 hours and that’s just the average so some people are on their social media accounts even more than that.
6. Which of the three social media networks is growing the fastest? Why do you think that is?
I would say that YouTube is growing the fastest now, only because there are kids growing up that want to be YouTubers as their jobs and want to make videos for people to see and see their lives. I think that it has the most potential out of any of the 3 to stay so consistently at the top of the demographics.
7. How are the majority of visitors accessing these three sites (computer, mobile device, tablet)?
The majority of users use their phones because it is the most accessible to people and you can take it on the go with you whenever you would want it.