World Wide Web Usage

If you asked me who would use the World Wide Web more often between mobile devices and desktops/computers I would be honest and say that I did not know or my guess would be mobile but according to techjury they say that “mobile devices accounted for 49.78% of all web visits, while desktops made up the remaining 50.22%.” which is a really close comparison a lot closer than I would have thought. They do also expect the mobiles percentage to go up by 5% by next year making mobile take the lead for usage. The U.S. federal government has handed over control of the Internet to ICANN despite push back from Republican lawmakers. Since the dawn of the Internet, the world wide web has been controlled by the U.S. government’s Commerce Department. This is as of October of 2016. Tim Berners Lee is most known for the creation of the World Wide Web in 2004 and being awarded a knighthood in England by Queen Elizabeth II. (Britannica) A blog is most used for writing down your thoughts to share with others. Sometimes used for sharing your opinion on a certain subject and receiving feedback and views from both groups of the discussion. While it can also be used for attracting visitors onto a website and promoting it through a blog. A responsive Website design is a website that is useable within all platforms it may be viewed on. No matter the screen you are viewing it on it should fit onto it. they are necessary because it gives you more of a chance or opportunity to expand through the web if it is accessible through all of the screen sizes and platform available. SEO stands for search engine optimization, which is the process of improving a website or a web page so it increases its visibility and relevance in search engines like Google or Bing. Dynamic content is the term used to describe site content that automatically adapts to various pre-defined conditions, such as particular user signals. A Content Management System (CMS) is a software that helps users create, manage, and modify content on a website without the need for technical knowledge which I believe I work with on InDesign. A YouTube channel is a channel created to make videos to share across the web with others. Most of the time they are used to share vlogs which are video logs or used for many, many other reasons someone who may want to start one is someone with a blog and let them take a different approach by sharing their experiences through a video.



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