Content Management Systems

A CMS or Content Management System is a “software that helps users create, manage, and modify content on website without the need for technical knowledge” (Kinsta, 2023). While a Content Management System is only for websites, that does not mean all websites use one.

To understand the difference between a CMS and HTML it is important to know what an HTML is. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. When creating a website HTML is usually the standard markup language. You can use HTML for internet navigation, web developement, and web documentation. More speciffically, HTML gives you the ability to create and structure sections, paragraphs, and links.

A CMS can be an easier option to choose for a business owner who has no prior technical knowledge.  A CMS also takes less time than having to code something from scratch. However, if you want a good looking website, it’s necessary to have some knowledge in HTML. Using HTML to create a website will take more time but a website using HTML is more secure and harder to hack than a CMS. A HTML takes more time to edit, so it’s less beneficial for business owners who need to change and update their sites regularly. Also, it’s easier to use a CMS if your website is bigger with a large amount of pages.  The current best practices when creating a site are easy navigation, consistent color scheme, images and visuals, and SEO’s.

CMS impacts the web design industry because of how easy it is for anyone to use. Using a CMS cost less money than hiring a front-end developer. Web designers now have to figure out how they can make their services worth the price. Because of this, CMS’s may be taking away some jobs from web developers.




Kinsta. (2023).What Is a Content Management System (CMS)? Kinsta.

S., Astari. (2023) What Is HTML? Hypertext Markup Language Basics Explained. Hostinger Tutorials.

beMarketing. (n.d)..Websites Pros and Cons When Building in HTML vs. CMS Platforms. beMarketing  

Saltis, Sam. (n.d.). CMS vs HTML: What Are the Advantages of each? Core dna.

The Upwork Team. (2021). The 10 Best Website Design Best Practices. Upwork.                  

Saltis, Sam. (n.d.).The Web is Broken: And The CMSs Broke It. Core dna.,these%20processes%20harder%2C%20not%20easier.

Misterek, Chris.(n.d.).HAVE WEBSITE BUILDERS KILLED WEB DESIGN CAREERS? Self Made Web Designer.

Evolution of The Web

1.Today, do more people access the web using computers or mobile devices?

According to data shared by Layton (2023) 49.78 percent of web visits were mobile and 50.22 percent came from desktops as of November 2022.

2. Who controls the World Wide Web? What is it made of?

No single individual controls the entire World Wide Web. The WWW is made of HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol). This connects computers to one another. Its also made up of URL (uniform resource locator) this finds documents, and HTML (hypertext markup language) which formats pages that have hypertext links.

3. Who is Tim Berners Lee? What is he best known for?

Tim Berners-Lee is a scientist who is often recognized for creating the World Wide Web.

4. What is a blog? What is it used for?

A blog is a online journal where an individual or group shares their views and activities. Blogs are mainly used to engage with others who have similar interest as you.

5. What is a “responsive” website design?

Responsive web design is an approach that gives websites the ability to display on all devices by automatically changing to fit the screen.

6. Why are “responsive” website designs necessary?

Responsive designs are necessary because they improve the way websites look on devices on any screen size. Responsive design also helps the amount of time that visitors spend on your site increase. Also, in 2015, google announced that search engine algorithms would take mobile friendsliness into account in it’s ranking factor. Meaning, if your site doesn’t look good on mobile devices, it’ll get pushed down in the algorithm.

7. What is SEO, and why should website owners/managers be concerned with SEO?

SEO means search engine optimization. It optimizes websites to improve a websites rank and visibility on search engines. Website owners and managers should be concerned with SEO because SEO makes sites more desirable to be on and pushes sites high up in the ranks when using search engines. If you are a owneer who isn’t using SEO your site may be pushed down and less likely to get used.

8. What is dynamic content?

Dynamic content is online content that changes based on users interests and behaviors.

9. What is a content management system? You work with one, whats is it’s name?

A content management system ia an application that lets people create, manage, and publish content on a website. A content management system lets you create a site without any technical knowledge. The content management system that I work with is WordPress.

10. What is a Youtube channel? Who might want to start one?

Youtube is a social media platform for sharing, commenting, and watching videos. A person who might want to start a youtube channel is someone who is okay with attention. They may be someone who is enjoys spreading information on different topics, or someone who could benefit from the money that is given from views, likes, and sponsorships.



Layton, Robin. (2023). Mobile vs. desktop usage: What percentage of internet traffic is mobile in 2023? allconnect.

Aaron Dennis, Michael. (2023). Tim Berners-Lee. Britannica.

Aaron Dennis, Michael. (n.d.). Blog. Britannica.

Hosch, William, L. (2023). Youtube. Britannica.

Kinsta. (2023).What Is a Content Management System (CMS)? Kinsta.

Roy, Raj. (2021) What is Dynamic Content? Definition, Types, Strategy, Best Practices with Examples. Spiceworks.

Berry, Sarah. (n.d.) What Is Responsive Web Design? (The Non-Developer’s Cheat Sheet). Webfx.     

Ellis, Miriam. (2023) What is SEO? MOZ.

Webfx. (n.d) Why is Responsive Design So Important? WebFX.                                                                                    

Britannica. (n.d) Who controls the Internet? Britannica.

Google Art & Culture. (n.d) The World Wide Web: The Invention That Connected The World. Google Art & Culture.



Hi, my name is Jasmine Allen-Rice and I’m a senior at Reynoldsburg High School. I enjoy traditional or digital art as a hobbie but do not see myself pursuing either of these in college. At the moment, I find myself more interested in things involving humanities. I am very interested in philosophy and would love to study it more in the future. Outside of school and work, I enjoy playing video games like Dead by Daylight, Baldurs Gate 3, Yakuza and The Sims 4. Another interest I have is creative writing. I have been looking for opportunities to take creative writing courses and hope to one day write my own book. I also heavily enjoy music. Learning about music history is one of my favorite pastimes. I love finding new songs and genres to listen to. I honestly love all genres of music. My favorite decades of music are 80’s, 90’s and 00’s. Due to my love for music, I started learning different instruments such as the clarinet, the keyboard, and the bass guitar.  My favorite of the three would have to be the bass guitar. I have been playing the bass guitar on and off for about 2 years. I also have an electric guitar that I look forward to learning how to play.