AI is an emerging cutting-edge technology. AI stands for artificial intelligence. This refers to something artificial (other than human) that has its own intelligence. In this case, AI is computer software made of algorithms. AI has a set of rules that it uses to make an intelligent choice of resources. AI also has the ability to learn when it has to perform more tasks. Nowadays, AI is becoming increasingly available to the public.
The first concept of artificial intelligence was developed in 1955 by Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, and Herbert Simon called The Logic Theorist. This made the thought of having an artificial intelligence program possible. From there the progression of artificial intelligence became more and more advanced.
Artificial intelligence is a good resource for users. It creates a source of information at can be generated at a high quality. Previously, the quality of information that is generated by AI was only sought out by experts. Having AI in mainstream technology helps users generate high-quality information.
Artificial intelligence is a good resource. However, there are some drawbacks to using this software. One of these would be loss of jobs. AI has now been powering machines such as manufacturing machines. This causes a significant threat to people who are in the manufacturing industry. With computers doing the jobs of previous labor workers, there is a risk that AI will do the job alone and leave workers without jobs.
Artificial intelligence is set to impact our society. With it being so easily accessible, users are able to access it wherever they are. Things such as chat robots give users information about a topic that they want. The emerging technology keeps evolving. We already have things like driverless cars and language translators. The future of technology may continue to evolve to the point where people are using AI for everyday tasks.