In today’s society, most people who access the web access it on mobile devices and cell phones. In fact, as of May 2023, more than 67% of web access comes from mobile devices. Safari and Google Chrome hold the most visits through mobile devices Resource: What Percentage of Internet Traffic Is Mobile? [Jun ’23 Upd]
Not one person or organization controls the World Wide Web. Instead, it is made up of URLs (Uniform Resource Locator), HTTP’s (HyperText Transfer Protocol), and HTML’s (HyperText Markup Languages). All of these factors come together to create the internet and the ways we navigate and view it. The World Wide Web: The Invention That Connected The World — Google Arts & Culture
Tim Berners Lee is a computer scientist who is best known for inventing the World Wide Web in 1989, along with URL’s, HTTP’s, and HTML’s. Tim Berners-Lee
A blog is an informational website that is updated regularly to share information with its viewers. Blogs can be informal or formal and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as to attract internet traffic or to gain an online presence/following. What’s a Blog & Why You Need One
Responsive website design is an approach to website creation that says design and development should respond to the user’s best interest. This means that the website should adapt to the user’s screen size, platform, and orientation. Responsive Web Design: What It Is And How To Use It
Responsive websites are necessary because websites need to work for all users to experience the most positive enjoyment and users. If a website isn’t responsive it will lose attraction and people will not want to use the site.
An SEO, or Search Engine Optimization is used to improve a website’s visibility on search engines. Website owners or managers may be concerned with this because popular websites may lose attention due to lower-viewed websites being pushed to the top. What Is SEO – Search Engine Optimization?
Dynamic content is any digital content that is customized based on user behavior. What is Dynamic Content? Definition & Examples
A content management system is a software that helps users create and manage content on their website without needing technical knowledge. The one we use is WordPress. What Is a Content Management System (CMS)?
A YouTube channel is a place for users to upload posts and videos for certain viewers. These would be good for someone to get popular or promote a business.