Week 6 CMS Blog Post

Content management systems have greatly affected the way we design on different platforms. It has made anyone, regardless of experience level or understanding of the topic, able to make and publish their own content on a platform.

A content management system is an application that can help anyone make, edit and publish content, and then store everything that has been created onto its server, becoming the host for the content. A content management system is used solely for the purposes of websites.

In terms of CMS vs HTML, HTML is a programing language that lets you create a website all from scratch, requiring you to type down all of the code by yourself, with no help from another source. CMS, on the other hand, is open source and very user-friendly, allowing you to make site content without requiring any experience or knowledge of any sort of coding language prior. The big advantage that HMTL has on CMS is that it has more customization capabilities, allowing for more complex sites to exist, making it possible to do nearly anything you can imagine if you know how to code it in, while CMS is very limiting with what it can do, users have to settle with one of the few options for layout and other customization. The downsides of HTML are that it is impossible to edit your code from more than one device. If you want to make changes, you’ll have to do it on the device you started it on. The other problem is the fact that it takes a considerable amount of coding knowledge to create a site using HTML, and the process has the tendency to be time-consuming.

CMS is easy to use, straightforward, and free to use. Looking at CMS, it seems like the better option to choose over hiring and paying a web design professional to create a website for you. CMS has made it so easy to make a website, it seems that web design very well is dying, if it isn’t already dead. With more and more people using CMS, that is less and less business web designers get.






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