Week 9-Cybersecurity

The example of bad online behavior I can think of has to do with a math teacher from my junior high school. The year we were in 8th grade all the teachers received their own iPads due to a technology grant from the state. She was caught sending inappropriate photos from her school iPad. She was at school when she sent them. I believe she was caught by accidentally cc-ing a fellow staff member in the email. I mean I’m not sure why she would think she wouldn’t get caught, but nonetheless still super weird. She was fired and her reputation was extremely damaged. She moved away and I don’t think she has taught since. Other than being fired, there were no legal actions taken. Practically speaking, I think its self-explanatory that this is a major no, no-especially at work, with young kids! Hopefully, I think she learned her lesson. Spending all that time and money in college to get the degree you need to teach children and then throwing it all away, literally, for that makes absolutely zero sense to me, but that a decision she has to live with every day.

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