Hi there readers today we are going to be learning about What services use The Cloud. so without further ado let’s start learning.
AWS Cloud- AWS or better known as Amazon web services is a part of Amazon that provides some on-demand cloud platforms and even API’s to the individuals, companies, and the Governments on a metered pay-as-you-go basis and usually often the clients will use this in a combination. AWS cloud was started all the way back during the year of 2006 which is insane because it would’ve been started 18 years ago and I couldn’t imagine how well the technology would be able to function to create a service like that.
would this system NOT work as well in the cloud?. Possibly not mostly because it is a on-Demand service that provides the cloud computing platforms within a pay-as-you-go basis and money would probably not be made if this didn’t exist. The advantages of having this system is that it provides the cloud computing platforms for you to be able to use at any time but you have to pay for the service. The concerns that I have with AWS is that the service collects Your personal information. And collecting personal data could be dangerous and that’s mostly because bad people could take that data from you without you even knowing that it possibly happened. at this point in time there’s nothing else that I’d like to share about this cloud service besides that it’s interesting Amazon itself had created a Cloud services for people to use. And that there is over 31% of users who tend to use this service for help with projects.
Google Cloud- This is a service that is offered by Google that offers the user a bunch of modular cloud services that include computing, data storage, ETC. and it’s alongside a set of management tools with the program. Google Cloud had initially started this Cloud service all the way back on April 7th of 2008 which by now was 16 years ago which feels sort of crazy to think about because Google itself as a search engine platform had started all the way back in September of 1998 but the first version of Google had been released in 1996. and it’s amazing to see have far Google has come from being just a search engine platform to becoming much more than it probably intended to be.
would this system NOT work as well in the cloud?. but the reason that this site would not be able to work in the cloud is because the service only works remotely and people would probably able not to store the data in the cloud anywhere they go. But on the other side the advantages of using Google Cloud would be able to work in the cloud because Google Cloud itself is a offers a cloud storage and it’s a stronger way of being able to store data remotely by using a cloud provider and that the service provides to the user some management tools for use. As stated with my concerns about AWS the same problem with Google cloud being that the service also collects Your personal information. And collecting personal data could be dangerous and that’s mostly because other people could take away that data from you and maybe you didn’t even know that it had happened to you. Within this point in time I don’t believe that I have anything else to be able to share with you all about the Google Cloud Service besides it is a fantastic fact that there over 960,000 customers that use the service to assist them.
Thank you for listening hopefully this blog about some Cloud services made you interested in how they function. Have a Wonderful weekend.
This isn’t apart of the assignment but fun fact about how cloud video games work. The cloud video game instead of being install or downloaded the cloud technology usually relies on the remote servers from the data centers to be able to run the game and stream it from across the internet.