Hey there Readers today we will identify and figure out how to protect a businesses privacy on the Internet so without further ado here we go.
So what are some potential digital threats that could impact the company in a dangerous way?
MALWARE: which is also know as Malicious code or malicious software can be very dangerous to a company as a whole because it can attach itself to any type of program or app when it has been triggered and it can replicate by easily modifying any other type of computer programs and even infect them with it’s own style of code and this can cause the device it’s on to crash and allow bad people to take or even destroy the data. and that’s only one of the horrible digital threats. SPAM and PHISHING: they both are related to social engineering which is a general term for any type of activity to where an attacker would be trying to manipulate you into having revealed any personal information such as password, social security numbers, or any type of account credentials so it’s important that we think twice before even thinking about giving out information. RANSOMWARE: it’s a type of malicious software that is able to prevent you from being allowed to access any of your computer files, systems or even any networks and this is supposed to demand that you pay a ransom for the return. And this would mostly cause any costly disruptions to any operations and can cause a business to have lost any critical information or even data which isn’t good for the company because someone else could take their ideas. WEB/EMAIL ATTACKS: this is dangerous because an email account can contain a vast amount of very super confidential info and with that an Attacker could be able to access the accounts using something like Malware to gain any of that sensitive information. UNATHORIZED USE: this situation is a threat to a company because the user could reveal any Personal info, trade secrets, and even financial data which can’t lead to a good outcome because this type of situation could lead to Identity theft, reputational damage, and even Legal consequences. which is terrible even for a business.
So we want to solve this problem but before we try to sort that self we have to think of what Digital functions should be in place to protect a company?
DATA ENCRYPTION: this can be an effective way of protecting Data because when it’s necessary to process any confidential data the encryption can help to protect the data through the process of being able to conceal any of the important data by using a certain type of code and any way to be able to access this data would be to use the process that’s know as decryption which is a type of process that can transform data that’s unreadable. SSO: It stands for Single sign-on it’s a type of identification method that can allow the user to login to many applications and even websites this source can protect a company by centralizing the authentication and help to enforce any strong passwords policy. DLP: this stands for Data loss prevention which is a type of cybersecurity solution that can help to detect any data breaches and it can help to prevent any type of breaches to the data. like sharing or Transfer which is usefully to help monitor and protect the information of the company. but how could these be manipulated?. source hacking is one way that someone could manipulate the system this manipulation can result to where the bad people are able to take someone’s identity, company information, and even Financial losses which isn’t good for a company because they could loose valuable information so for example say some type of recipe the hacker could easily take it from the data source if it was kept there. Data harvesting is another dangerous threat to companies because it’s where bad people can collect a huge amount of data from multiple online sources because they could take tons of peoples information and their online behavior and give it to people who shouldn’t have it.
So we looked at ways that can be harmful or helpful to a company the question is now how are we supposed to solve or eliminate the problem?
Here are some tips for how to protect yourself online.
- keep the passwords safe this means you should make passwords for different sites that are used with unique passwords that way their different from another password so make them easy for you to remember but harder for someone else to figure out also don’t share your passwords with anyone when in a company it would be the best option to us a multi-factor authentication because then only people who work for the company know how to login to the businesses app or website
- protect the info and equipment make sure that your operating system, programs, and even the anti-virus up to date mostly because the security systems will have update patches. and Make sure that your run regular backup checks because for a business this can help to make sure that everything runs smoothly even in case of a setback and upload it to the cloud or even a hard drive.
- Think before clicking or replying because you could possibly get phished on a phone or computer from people who are pretending to be your business so they could send you a link, open attachments, or even asking for personal information so think before you do anything else.
- if it looks weird report it this means if you get something like a text message or call that seems suspicious then the best course of action would be to report it if an attack is already happening the best thing to do is to warn others that way you could prevent the cybercrime because making sure that the whole business knows why it’s important to report something weird is so that it can help them and any customers to report the attack quickly so it can be delt with.
- be discreet while online and in public this meant that you’d want to know if the information about your business is public this will be helpful to manage the business and be able to spot any targeted fishing attacks because usually hackers use any public info to trick you such as using social engineering into revealing a bunch of info for malicious intentions.
so after reading this hopefully you learned that there are many ways that a business can become in danger and some methods that can be put to good use to be able to stop it from happening.
Thanks so much for listening readers have a Wonderful weekend and see you next time bye.
Sources Used:
Why Phishing Is More Dangerous Than Ever and How to Protect Your Business
Unauthorized Access: Risks, Examples, and 6 Defensive Measures