what is the Content management System (CMS)?

Hi there Readers today we are going to be looking at what a content management system is and how it connects to the internet. so without talking any further let’s get started


So what is CMS? It  is a type of software app that can allow the user to be able to build and manage a website without even having to code the website from scratch it can be useful for people who don’t like to code things because sometimes coding is sort of complicated so having something like the content management system can be a useful tool. CMS is also able to allow Many contributors to be able to edit/publish for one single dashboard from wherever they are in CMS. The content from CMS project is usually stored inside a single database and can be displayed within a presentation layer that is based upon a set of templets like a website. some of CMS’s features include content delivery which allows the contributors to  schedule and publish right to the website or any social channels. integration which allows the creators of the website to easily integrate the necessary tools that they need to use for the platform that they are creating. Digital asset  management this allows the creators of the website to store all the content of the website into one easy place so that it makes it easier for the people to reuse, find, or use the assets they have stored.  but this Application isn’t just for the use of building a website this helpful app can also be used when someone wants to create a mobile app for phones


So how are HTML And CMS both different but the same well. the way they are different is that on a website that’s made with HTML, the design changes can prove to be more difficult than when changing adjusting pages in CMS is painless. But this makes us wonder how they are both similar to each other. They are both similar in a way because they both use the same type of syntax style. What is syntax style you may be wondering well it’s a type of computer programming that is the rules for how to control the structure of all the words, symbols and punctuation of the programming language.


So how is CMS impacting the web design industry? CMS Has it’s role of being able to maintain and help manage the website’s visual style through it’s content and the presentation. is CMS taking away peoples jobs from the web design industry the answer is no and the reason why is that CMS isn’t able to create anything that is too overly complex.



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