What is a Content Management System?

The rise of user-generated content has had a considerable impact on the contemporary web in the past decade. User-generated content is considered the collected expression of many individuals across the internet who actively generate online content instead of simply being passive consumers. These are things such as social media posts, photos and videos shared among a wide audience all across the web. Everyday people now have the ability to create their own online content thanks to a wide variety of Content Management Systems.

A Content Management System, also known as a CMS, is a software application that allows users and corporations to create, manage and publish online content for websites and apps without having to do any coding from scratch. A CMS also functions as a database, storing logs of text, images, video and other documents. Some popular examples of Content Management Systems include Wix, WordPress and Squarespace. A CMS is typically used for websites and other online platforms.


When looking in to starting a website, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of using a CMS versus coding a custom website from scratch using HTML and CSS. A CMS has pre-made files that can be customized to a user’s preference, leaving all the technical operation to the people running the CMS platform. A custom website built from scratch can be shaped to the user’s needs from the ground up. A website made using a CMS is typically cheaper, faster to create and simple to maintain. A custom site might be more expensive and take longer to develop, but allows for far more creative and technical control over the finished product. A CMS typically offers a website built from a basic set-up, but a custom site offers far more options to create a user interface exactly to the user’s preference. While a CMS is more popular method for creating a website, neither method is better than the other, rather it comes down to a creator’s needs, wants, budget and time restraints.


The development and rising popularity of Content Management Systems have completely transformed the web design industry. A CMS allows designers to easily create, edit and organize a wide variety of online content without having to worry about the technical know-how. Typically a CMS will come with a wide range of pre-made themes and templates for creators to choose from when designing their site. All of these themes and templates have to be designed and coded from scratch and maintained for an optimal user experience. The CMS has all the hardware in place, leaving plenty of room for creative website designs. Web designers and developers play a vital role in the creation and maintaining of Content Management Systems. These amazing applications would not exist without the hard work of web designers and developers to build them and keep them running smoothly for anyone to use.


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