What are Content Management Systems?
Content management systems (CMS) are platforms that help users produce, manage, and alter content without needing to know how to code or create a website themselves. It gives you a template to build a website without the technical abilities to build one. While these are generally used for websites, they can also be used for other online platforms like mobile apps. A CMS is certainly a useful tool for those with growing businesses that aren’t able to code or create these platforms on their own.
While a CMS is a convenient way to create a website, there is another option. HTML is the language used to create websites and other online content platforms. It is a free resource for anyone to use. There are advantages to both styles. With HTML, you get to decide every aspect of the website and create more interesting pages. With CMS, you can create a website in minutes without having to worry too much about formatting or if the code is correct. HTML also provides many more options and allows for a much more customizable experience than CMS. If you have the time to learn and create using HTML then it is a great option however, using a CMS can also yield great results and effective web designs.
Impact of Content Management Systems
Content management systems do make creating websites more accessible for the everyday consumer but, are they impacting web designers? Some say yes, while others argue that they do not. CMS’s do make it easier for people to produce websites but, there is still a large need for web developers. Ryan Boddy, a senior web designer says “Software development is not going away any time soon, and I definitely think that code monkeys like myself will be able to type until our fingers fall off.” Web and software developers will still have jobs to do and CMS’s are not going to completely take over. There are instances were a CMS might just not be enough and you need that extra personal touch to create an effective website.
References: https://kinsta.com/knowledgebase/content-management-system/ https://www.coredna.com/blogs/cms-vs-html https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/code-required-cms-killing-freelance-web-developer-ryan-boddy/