WK3 Research Assignment_Recent Evolution of the Web (50pts.)_Due Sept. 12, 2023
Posted on December 6, 2023 | By karnga-76231 | Leave a response
For this research assignment, you will need to discuss the evolution of the World Wide Web over the past few years.
Please restate the question and answer it in your own words. Include references. Do not use Wikipedia as your citation; rather, you may use it as a jumping off point for other research.
In a 300-600 word post on your new blog, address the following questions:
1. Today, do more people access the web using computers or mobile devices? Provide a resource that supports your answer.
2 . Who controls the World Wide Web? What is it made up of?
3. Who is Tim Berners Lee? What is he best known for?
4. What is a blog? What is it used for?
5. What is a “responsive” website design?
6. Why are “responsive” website designs necessary?
7. What is SEO, and why should website owners/managers be concerned with SEO?
8. What is dynamic content?
9. What is a content management system? You work with one, what is it’s name?
10. What is a youtube channel? Who might want to start one?
According to oberlo.com, more people visit the web on desktops than mobile as of August. “As of August 2023, 32.23% of the total web visits are currently mobile, compared to 67.77% coming from desktops.” As for who owns the web, according to elitegroup.com, “No single person or organisation controls the internet in its entirety. Like the global telephone network, no one individual, company or government can lay claim to the whole thing. However, lots of individuals, companies and governments own certain bits of it.” In other words, no one owns the web but organizations own certain parts of it. A YouTube channel is pretty self-explanatory, someone’s channel on YouTube. Youtubers have engaging connections with your audience plus, it’s arguably easy money. Any active user of social media who want’s to connect with lots of people and earn some quick income would start a YouTube channel.