Hi, I was able to log into the site using the cotc.edu link so I’m remaking my posts and website. I’m Izaiah Jones, I’m 17 and a senior in highschool, I have an interest in Art and Graphic Design, so I’m taking Digital Media Design to further my knowledge and skills in the medium. After highschool I’m hoping to go into college and major in Art/Animation. In my free time I usually draw on my laptop, play video games, like Street Fighter 6, Guilty Gear Strive, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, Resident Evil 4 and Devil May Cry or try to cook, I really enjoy listening to music too, my favorite genres include rock, punk, alt rock, rap, hip hop, shoegaze, etc. I was even in band for a few years before quitting this year, I played the trombone. I’m excited to be taking this class this semester !