A content management system is software that can be used to make, edit, and manage content for a website without needing coding knowledge. Content management systems are built with pre-designed themes, templates, and plugins. This allows users to easily create a website. A content management system is mainly used for website content including blogs and e-commerce sites. A content management system makes it easy for users to create a website without having to learn the technical skills that were previously needed.
Before content management systems were invented, users had to learn how to code to make a website. The development of content management systems has made website building quicker and easier. When coding users have to use HTML and CSS to code a website that works and is easy for viewers to use. This can take a very long time to do as you have to input every variable that is evident on the website. Coding also requires a set of technical skills and knowledge of codes to create a finished website. Content management systems make it easy to make a website from scratch in a short amount of time without having to have any coding knowledge. However, a website made with HTML and CSS can be more complex and detailed than a website designed with a content management system. There are many advantages and disadvantages of using a content management system. Currently, content management systems are being used more than HTML and CSS.
Content management systems have impacted the web design world. It allowed for more websites emerging on the internet. As a result, there was more communication and interaction on the internet. Although there are more websites on the internet thanks to content management systems, web designers have not been impacted by the software. Content management systems are mostly used my content creators. This means that web designers are still very much needed in the design industry.
What Is a Content Management System (CMS)? (kinsta.com)
what does cms mean in web design – Li Creative (licreativetechnologies.com)