Evolution of the Web
- Today, do more people access the web using computers or mobile devices? Provide a resource that supports your answer.
Today more people use their mobile devices to access the web versus computers. Mobile devices enabled calculators, clocks, calendars, cameras, maps, computers, etc. to be accessible at ones fingertips.
2 . Who controls the World Wide Web? What is it made up of?
The answer is no one controls the worldwide web. It is made up of a communication system that is split into blocks/packets of information and it’s independently operated by different networks.
3. Who is Tim Berners Lee? What is he best known for?
Tim Burners Lee is accredited for inventing the worldwide web as he was the first to write a web client and server in the 1990s.
4. What is a blog? What is it used for?
“Blogs are a type of regularly updated websites that provide insight into a certain topic.” https://www.wix.com/blog/what-is-a-blog
A person may search out a blog in order to learn how to do something, hear an opinion on a topic or even gain some advice.
5. What is a “responsive” website design?
Responsive websites provide consistency of appearance across all devices and screen sizes to keep people engaged.
6. Why are “responsive” website designs necessary?
It’s important that the website isn’t slow or jumbled; if so, someone is likely to choose another website to visit.
7. What is SEO, and why should website owners/managers be concerned with SEO?
A SEO is a search engine optimization; it is important because it is the, “practice of improving a websites position on search engine results, thus improving its visibility.”
8. What is dynamic content?
Dynamic content is made up of digital content (whether it be audio, text, or video) that changes based upon an individuals previous data preferences and actions.
9. What is a content management system? You work with one, what is it’s name?
A content management system is basically software used to manage content; an example that I use is WordPress, which enables me to post this blog.
10. What is a youtube channel? Who might want to start one?
A YouTube channel is an account on YouTube. People that post videos on YouTube are usually those that want to be a content creator or promote their business.