Content Management Systems

A content management system is software that helps users create, manage, and modify content without the need of much technical knowledge. It is a tool that helps the user build a website without coding from scratch. I don’t think that CMS is only for websites since most business have their own content management systems or organization of work in some form. I think that it can be used in any sense but that there are more CMS’s for website and online uses.

When creating a website with HTML there are many pros and cons. HTML sites are more secure than CMS sites, meaning they are less likely to get hacked. You have more control over the exact design of your website while using HTML without the forced features of a CMS site. HTML sites aren’t as code heavy as CMS sites so they will typically load faster. However, Creating a website with HTML can take much longer and having a single character wrong can cause your whole page to malfunction. You have to keep the HTML up to date to prevent lagging. Lastly, small changes to your website can take a long time to make depending on how you have coded your site.

Just like building a site with HTML, creating a site with a CMS has pros and cons. For starters, creating a site with CMS can be much more organized than an HTML page. When you create a page with CMS, you can log into your admin page and have access to all parts of your site from anywhere. You are able to design your page using CSS and templates for different pages of your page. You can also use add-ons to create more functionality on your website to help your user navigate and use your site more efficiently. You will have control over your URL, title, meta tags, and all of the content on your pages. You can also install Google Analytics to your site which will help with marketing through Google. On the cons side of using CMS, you may have to be a bit more technical and do more research for the CMS you want to use and which features will be needed for your site.

I think overall, you will benefit from using both HTML and CMS depending on what you are trying to create and the purpose of the site. I think CMS definitely makes it easier for people without a web design background or experience still be able to manage their own websites. I don’t really know how much of an impact CMS is having on jobs for web designers. Although, I think that just like every job with technology coming in, it is definitely a possibility since it makes it easier for people to just create their own sites without paying someone to do it for them.


