WK5 Understanding Social Media Demographics

1. What were the top three social media sites, in terms of traffic, in 2019-20? List them in order of popularity.

According to dreamgrow.com the top three social media sites of 2019 and 2020 are 1.) Facebook 2.)YouTube and 3.) Instagram.

2.) Provide a brief summary of how each social media site works and why people use it.

Facebook works by allowing people to stay connected with each other and post virtually anything they want to. People use Facebook to stay in touch with distant friends and family and to even catch up on news. YouTube works by allowing users to be creative and express themselves through videos that are then posted for the world to see. Most people use YouTube as a way to keep them entertained. I personally have stopped watching T.V. and started watching YouTuber’s for entertainment. Those who create videos are typically what are called Let’s Player’s who record themselves playing a popular video game while commentating over it. Instagram is one of those interesting forms of social media where anything goes. Unlike Facebook, Instagram is more geared towards imagery. The platform only allows you to post photos but that hasn’t stopped users from getting creative with what they post. Most of what is posted are what’s called memes which are funny, often relatable posts that implement photos and funny captions.

3. What are “demographics” and why is it important in social media?

According to sproutsocial.com User demographic statistics for any social media network are an essential piece of data for any marketing strategy. Just like how you want to know who uses your products and services, knowing who’s on what platform aids you in researching, advertising and marketing decisions. It is important in social media because you want to make sure that people within your ideal target audience are actually participating actively there. Social media demographics help you set up marketing personas and understand your audience in greater detail. If you’re looking to widen your audience, such as trying to reach Generation Z, you can use current demographic data to figure out which networks you can focus your content energy on.

4. Explain any demographics that stand out among the three social media sites you listed above. (More popular with a specific age group, are majority of users male or female, married or single, employees or self-employed, etc.)

According to sproutsocial.com 75% of its users are between the age of 18-24 and 57% of its users are between the ages of 25-30. While surprisingly 47% of its users are between the ages of 30-49.

5. On average, how much time do users spend on each social media site during a day, week or month? Provide a resource that supports your answer.

According to review42.com The average US adult spends 38 minutes per day on Facebook. 16-24 year olds spend a media of 3 hours a day on social media. broadbandsearch.net says that people on average spend 40 minutes a day watching YouTube videos while having over 30 million daily active users and over 1.5 billion monthly active users. BroadandSearch.net also says that people on average spend 53 minutes a day on Instagram while having about 500 million daily users and over 800 million monthly users.

6. Which of the three social media networks is growing the fastest? Why do you think that is?

According to x-cart.com Over the last few years, Instagram has evolved from a simple photo-sharing app into a powerful marketing tool. It’s considered to be the fastest-growing social media platform with the most engaged user base. I believe the reason why that is is because a lot of people use Instagram not just to post photos and gain likes but to also use it market products. As an Instagram user myself, over the past two years I have found that I am getting a lot more ads on products I have either never heard of before or ones that I have searched up on a different platform. Companies have that because most of Instagram’s users are teens and young adults it is easier and quicker to grow their business due to their large active user base.

7. How are the majority of visitors accessing these three sites (computer, mobile device, tablet)?

According to statista.com 98.3% of users access Facebook through any kind of mobile device while less than 1.7% access it through a laptop or desktop computer. According to thinkwithgoogle.com 3 in 4 adults report watching YouTube at home on their mobile devices. Since Instagram is only available for mobile devices, all of their users are on mobile.

Week 3 Research Assignment

1.) Today, do more people access the web using computers or mobile devices? Provide a resource that supports your answer.

I definitely believe more people access the web using mobile devices nowadays rather than from a computer for two big reasons as stated by BroadandSearch.net; mobile devices are much more accessible to people around the world especially in developing countries rather than desktops and with a lot of eCommerce businesses making it easier for mobile shoppers to get what they want with the development of apps and the constant tweaking of those apps to make sure users get the best experience they can receive from their favorite retail stores. With the rate at which online retailers are growing, the numbers and study shows that this will continue to climb and will be out future.

2.) Who controls the World Wide Web? What is it made up of?

According to www.w3.org The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards. The Internet is made up of a massive network of specialized computers called routers. Each router’s job is to know how to move packets along from their source to their destination.

3.) Who is Tim Berners Lee? What is he best known for?

Tim Berners Lee is a Computer Scientist who was born in London, England who is best known for developing the World Wide Web. Sir Tim is the Director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), a Web standards organization founded in 1994 which develops interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools) to lead the Web to its full potential. He is also the Director of the World Wide Web Foundation which was launched in 2009 to coordinate efforts to further the potential of the Web to benefit humanity.

4.) What is a blog? What is it used for?

A blog is essentially an online journal or a website that displays information. According WWW.business2community.com the purpose of a blog is to aid marketing to a point where the content you deliver is targeted specifically to the wants and needs of your audience. Provide answers to their most commonly asked questions or provide advice to areas within your niche that your business is an expert on.

5.) What is a “responsive” website design?

A responsive website design is one that is designed so that it aligns itself properly when you access it with either a mobile device such as a phone or a tablet or a computer. A non responsive website design for example would be one that has not been approached with a mobile first design. One that is not mobile friendly.

6.) Why are “responsive” website designs necessary?

Responsive website designs necessary because as mentioned earlier, most users are accessing web pages from their mobile devices and if a web page is not responsive than it ruins the user experience for those accessing it. It will cause the images and anything on that web page to look too zoomed in and not properly coded.

7.) What is SEO, and why should website owners/managers be concerned with SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and its the process of optimizing your online content so that a search engine likes to show it as a top result for searches of a certain keyword. Website owners/managers should be concerned with SEO because if they have not optimized their website so that it comes up as the first option(s) on a web page when keywords are typed in than they may see a significant drop in user web traffic because it would then be lost in the abyss of millions of web pages.

8.) What is dynamic content?

According to barilliance.com Dynamic content is a web-page or email component that changes. Typically, changes are based on user signals that include in-session behavior, user data, and user-characteristics. In-session behavior adapt content based on what pages they visit, which products they add to cart, and how long they spend on site.

9.) What is a content management system? You work with one, what is it’s name?

A content management system (CMS) is an application that is used to manage web content, allowing multiple contributors to create, edit and publish. The one we work with is called WordPress.

10.) What is a youtube channel? Who might want to start one?

A YouTube channel is a place where all of your videos that you have either created or Favorited are stored. Anyone can start a YouTube channel but those who would want to be content creators to either create videos to inform or entertain others are the main group of people who start one.

Welcome to my first blog!

Hello all, My name is Faries Salama. I am 20 years old and am a third year college student, second year COTC student. I am a introvert through and through, I enjoy listening to music, watching YouTube videos and playing Overwatch when I get the chance. I work as a computer sales associate at a Best Buy and I got to say it is pretty cool. I used to manage a Taco Bell before that for a year and without a doubt Best Buy is far more enjoyable (and less frustrating) than Taco Bell. I don’t do much nowadays besides going to work and hanging with friends. This is my first blogging and honestly, I can see myself getting the hang of this. I can’t wait to get to know you all and work with you this semester.